A Day to Remember on Simply Quilts

Five, four, three, two, the count down began. The sudden realization I am not in Kansas anymore! It is too late to get on the next plane headed home. For all my friends who prayed for me, all teachers, 4-H leaders, silent spectators, and fellow Christians cheering and supporting, the show must happen. To everyone in my hometown, who contributed to my development, I give thanks and serve joyfully to a community that can't be beat. Yes, I am walking through new doors with quilting talent, big dreams, and the desire of make my dreams real! What set in motion as a passion for quilting, a desire to sew seeds of love, a quilt show and an intense desire to design quilt patterns lead me on an unexpected journey. My journey to California started with an email I was afraid to open. I didn't know whether it would crash my computer or change my life! With a leap of faith, I read the email with a signature of my maiden name, Clare, wondering if it was for real. Chills ran down my spine when I read I was invited to appear on Simply Quilts from the coordinator of the show, Clare, taping on June 21. I was overwhelmed, so functioning as a human being was impossible for the next two days, maybe a week! The days grew closer to the date of taping the show; tickets were purchased, reservations made, & emails sent back and forth with ideas for the script. Mr. Andrew, the producer and organizer, a young man of 25, was challenging himself by learning sewing terminology. His job was to write the script, understand sewing techniques and ensure all accessories were available for me during the show. He lined out details of the show, what would be on the sewing table and where. He did a trial run by playing the host role of Alex with me when I arrived at the studio. The stage set was beautiful with hardwood floors, decorations, and Alex’s quilts hanging from the top. An antique window was rented for special background props during the show giving me an overwhelming sense of pride. The portable quilting tables were on wheels and were moved in for each segment. There were two cameras zooming in and out, one on Alex and the other directed toward me, hopefully my hands and the project I demonstrated. People were in charge of sound and lighting. I had a mike attached with the device in back of my dress. My make-up was done by a young lady while a wardrobe person checked the best outfit for me to wear on the show. The stage director was in a sound proof room! There were numerous crew members working to give the Hollywood glamour! I survived the day. The Lord provided gracious help! As the camera began taping a panic attack filled me. Like electricity my nerves tingled. The shock of what was happening was so intense it was difficult to make my words come out. Alex prompted me with a question and my soggy brain began my babble of words. Before I knew it time melted together, the race was on to remember everything I was instructed to do. I forgot about the camera being in front of me and focused doing my best.
My show was the third taping that day out of four shows. The crew was behind schedule when they started taping my new quilting technique. They made up lost time and I sighed in relief when I did not have retakes. They do not edit the tape. If there is a mistake the cameraman rolls the tape back and starts from an easy starting point. They amazingly timed each segments leaving time for advertising. We would partake in a quick practice run for each segment; which seemed like only seconds before we taped again. The cameramen knew where to focus, and Alex read her lines from a camera monitor in front along with receiving prompts through an ear piece. After each quick practice the crew rolled the tape immediately before I had a chance to catch my breath. I was caught off guard several times when Alex did not ask questions she asked during practice, but I kept going. Somehow the Lord gave me extra strength and I did it with His help... now I have examples for my kids to remember. The show for HGTV on Simply Quilts is honoring quilts with American symbols. For this honor I demonstrate my God Bless America pattern with my FUSIQUE' technique, a fused reverse appliqué technique I trademarked. God gave me a high tech process to make stained glass quilts. Leaded lines are created without bias lines, and no turning raw edges under. It is amazing and easy! My innovative method ingeniously trims the time required to create a priceless treasure. Even the beginning quilter can produce a sophisticated configuration design on a quilt, which no longer take years to perfect. After finishing the show the producer gave me a big hug. He was excited, saying I did better during the taping under pressure than when we practiced. I did not tell him it was difficult giving quilting lessons to someone who had no concept. Yes, the email I got was real... the one asking me to be on the show. I am thankful I did not delete it! I can believe it! Clare saw my quilt pattern in Quilts & Other Comforts, and invited me to be a guest on Simply Quilts. It is back to Kansas with quite moments in my quilting room while drafting new quilt patterns. I play music while thinking, and create from a stash of vibrant colored fabric for each quilt. I can't think of anything more wonderful than creating quilts of color and magic for the world. The peak excitement appears before me and grows with intensity as each quilt nears completion. It is a light bulb moment. Each quilt is my way to give a gift. If I can bring joy and meaning to someone, that's what I want to do. I share bits of my heart in quilt patterns designed by shareing scripture that inspires me during creation. A friend's motto, "Just do it" enters the my mind if I stumble on any aspect during the creation of each quilt. If I don't proceed, success will never happen. I pray for direction to appear for each design and Ikeep my bags packed for new opportunities.