A Mother's Love by Amber Everhart Smith

I remember when I was small sitting on my mother's lap as she sang me Christmas songs and rocked me to sleep. It was so soothing I just wanted to stay in her lap forever. As time went on I grew older and the rocking stopped but the memories still linger. To this day, I still like to crawl up into her sizable lap, though I barely fit. She groans in agony, as I am a bit heavy at the age of seventeen, as opposed to the age of four. Though my mom isn't the most elegant lady, she knows how to look pleasant. Her curly, dark brown hair hangs down to her shoulders and her slight, green eyes give a hint to our Irish ancestry. She proclaims herself fat and ugly but I see an admirable woman who stays healthy by exercise and eating properly. Having a strong frame shows the years she endured farm life and her callused hands display the many dishes she washed throughout her life. The radiant luster of her smile she gives catches people's attention when she uses it and her laugh fills the room with gaiety. I will never forget this sweltry summer spent with my mom at home. Having time to explore our new computer was one of the many activities that kept me busy. Before I really had a chance to understand how it worked though, my curiosity killed it. I crashed our computer! My mom's pride and joy, and I jammed. The depressing, sinking sensation came to me in the pit of my stomach because I knew I was in for it now. That evening mom's voice shook the whole house "Amber! What have you done to the computer?" she bellowed. "How in the world am I gonna fix this?" she cried. Timidly I called the help line for our computer and sat with Mom for two hours while we figured out what I had done. It took us three long, arduous weeks to get the computer back on track and cost me thirty dollars and some days grounded, before I got over the ordeal. To say the least, Mom does not totally trust me on the computer anymore.  As I grew up, I strove to get along with my mother and communicate openly with her. Disputes and skirmishes galore come up as we try to understand each other. My mom isn't the most yielding person in the world to talk to, patience not being one of her virtues. Problems occur when she won't sit down and listen to me when I need her to. With all her faults though I still love her dearly and consider my mom very special to me. There are many times I am sure my mom will freak at some of the stunts I pull. These were the times when her compassion surprised me like the time I accidentally tried to play bumper cars with
another car. Luckily, there was no physical damage done to either vehicle! Never will I forget the way my mom looked at me in shock of hearing this news. Or the time I cautiously explained to mom that this guy I am hold an interest in is twenty-two, and I am only seventeen. She has been very accepting in what I have confided in her and is never too quick to judge. My mom has stayed by me from the happy times, when I won the sixth grade-spelling bee to the sad times, when guys break my heart. As she supports me through school and encourages me to care about my grades, I thank her. Nobody could ever take her place in my life. Her individual strengths come out as a woman of encouragement and wisdom. Having confidence in herself, she aspires at everything she puts her heart into and doesn't back down. These are just a few qualities that I love about my mom. My mom is constantly filling her life with activities. She is a great activist in miniature quilts and wall hangings. Her knack with arranging fabrics and colors truly show off her artistic ability. Besides loving fabric, my mom is an avid antique collector and dealer. The thrill of buying and selling her bargains keeps her moving all the time. Stopping by garage and tag sales has become a family habit when you are with Mom. A new fad for my unique mother is the collection of antique mannequins that loiter in our basement. Acquiring the four lady mannequins this summer from odd place she set them up and dressed them in antique clothes. My friends find this a little bizarre behavior, but laugh non the less and delight in the comfort of our home. Having no restrictions on what I do helps me through rough times with my mom. Putting her trust in me has made me a more responsible person. I never have had a set curfew or a time when I wasn't allowed to date that one guy that mom knew just wasn't my type. She let me make my own mistakes and learn from them. This trust is something I truly appreciate and never want to break. It helps me not to rebel against my mom and ask for her consent in everything I do. I love my mom for the person she is and the person she will always be. I can see through her faults to the loving mother that she is. Her honesty and openness with me show me her point of view and helps me to understand how she feels on subjects when we disagree. No matter what happens in my life, I know that my inspiring, God fearing mother will be there to help me. Crediting my mother for the person that I am molding into is the least way to show my gratitude towards her.